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Historical | Colliery | Development >   1860s - 1890s

Section under redevelopment

This sectiongives a summary of the background and the development history of the colliery during the 19th century, from its sinking to the decision to renew the South headstocks and upgrade its coal winding facilities.


  • Redevelopment of Stanton ironworks takes place.
  • Local drift mine cannot meet increasing coal demand.
  • New colliery sunk at Teversal on edge of exposed coalfield. 


  • Further expansion of Stanton ironworks.
  • Coal demand again outstripping supply.
  • Pleasley Colliery lease negotiation and signing.
  • Shaft sinking and surface infrastructure installation.
  • Pit-bottom construction and main roadway development. 
  • Further exploratory roadway work commences.
  • Small scale production for land sale begins.


  • Dip and rise main roadway headings completed
  • Midland Railway begins operating mineral traffic.
  • Experimental coal face electric lighting.
  • Accident rate rises as production increases.
  • Downcast shaft reaches full working capacity.
  • Upcast shaft converted to coal winding.


  • Coal haulage by horses now limiting production.
  • Underground electric haulage systems installed.
  • Great Northern railway begins operating mineral traffic.
  • Lease agreed for working South of the river Meden.
  • Decision made to upgrade South pit coal winding capacity.


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Page updated on:

07 Aug, 2023


07:44:10 PM

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